Peerwise login/account issues and questions
All PeerWise log in details are explained in the assessment information book on Moodle.

See the "Registering onto the PeerWise Course" section in the assessment information book
The PeerWise course identifier is 19885
This is your GUID, without the letter for your surname.
E-mail to ask for this to be fixed.
E-mail to ask for this to be fixed.
E-mail to ask for your account to be reset.
E-mail to ask for your account to be reset.
E-mail to ask for your account to be reset.
At the top of the Biology 1A moodle, page. Normally in the same row as the forum icons.
E-mail to ask for your account to be reset.
Peerwise Rating Score
No, this will be useful when you are selecting questions for revision but this is not part of the assessment grading.
No, this will be useful when you are selecting questions for revision but this is not part of the assessment grading.
No, this will be useful when you are selecting questions for revision but this is not part of the assessment grading.
Peerwise Deadlines
The deadlines for creating and answering questions are shown in the assessment information book in the Biology 1A moodle. Read these carefully.

View deadlines
There are 4 dedlines throughout the semester. These can be found in the assessment information book in the Biology 1A moodle. Read these carefully.

View deadlines
If all 4 deadliens are met the grade awarded is an A1. 3 deadlines = C1, 2 deadlines =E1 and 1 deadline = G1. If no deadlines are met this will result in a H grade.
You can check your activity in PeerWise itself to see what you have completed when.
Peerwise Grades
Check your activity on PeerWise and if you still think an error has occurred e-mail
Check your activity on PeerWise and if you still think an error has occurred e-mail
Peerwise Questions/Answers
You can find information on creating questions here
No, this assessment is about creating and answering questions to help you revise and better understand the topics. Incorrect answers do not affect your grade.
A good question is one that is related to the lecture topics detailed for that specific deadline.
Yes, you can answer any of the questions available in PeerWise,
No, you can answer any of the questions available in PeerWise.
No, questions and answers need to be submitted between specific times to meet the assessment requirements. All details are in the assessment information book in the Biology 1A moodle.

Open assessment information book
No, you are graded on whether you have met the 4 deadline requirements or not. All details can be found in the assessment information book in the Biology 1A moodle.

Open assessment information book
Yes, please do. The more questions created the more useful PeerWise becomes as a revision tool.
Yes, please do. Make sure to meet the deadline times but you can answer as many questions as you like.
Yes. Once you have answered a few questions, you may feel ready to contribute a new question of your own. There are several parts to the question writing process:

You can find information here
Yes. At any stage, you can review the questions you have answered in the "Answered questions" table. You can find more information here
You may choose to either agree or disagree with any comments previously written about a question. To agree with a comment, select the star in the "Agree with comment" column, and to disagree with a comment, select the cross in the "Disagree with comment" column.

You can find more information here